Services Shutdown on July 31, 2024

Dear ClassKite Community,

After careful consideration, we have decided to discontinue ClassKite’s online class registration services. Our final day of operations will be on July 31, 2024. 

We recognize the decision to shutdown ClassKite will impact your business and we wanted to share our plans with ample notice so that you can plan accordingly.

What This Means for You:

  • Service Availability; You will continue to have full access to your ClassKite website and data, and your customers can continue to register for classes, until July 31, 2024. We encourage you to transition your class enrollment to a new service and download and save all your data before this date.
  • Saving Your Data: You can download all your student data in the Students tab of your dashboard by clicking “Export All Students”.
  • Support During Transition: Mina and I remain available to assist you during this transition. Please feel free to reach out to  with any questions or if you need help with data export.
  • Refunds and Billing: We will stop billing on July 31, 2024. Any accounts on semi-annual or annual subscriptions will be pro-rated and refunded.

We are truly grateful for the trust and support you have shown ClassKite over the years. It has been a privilege to serve you and your business.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at Thank you once again for your understanding and support during this period of transition.

Warm regards,

Team ClassKite